
Post Intubation Tracheal Stenosis

Post Intubation Tracheal Stenosis

Fig.1 Coronal reconstruction CT shows the extent of tracheal stenosis (yellow colour).
Fig.2 Larynx & trachea are exposed. C – cricoid. 1 – first tracheal ring. Right curly bracket shows the extent of stenotic trachea. Green arrows point at thyroid gland.
Fig.3 Stenotic trachea is dissected off the oesophagus.
Fig.4 Suprahyoid laryngeal drop to mobilize the larynx down. H – body of hyoid. Green arrow points at the site of release of suprahyoid muscles.
Fig.5 Stenotic tracheal segment is resected. Green arrow points at the upper cut at the level of first tracheal ring. Yellow arrow points at the lower cut.
Fig.6 After complete resection. Upper segment (yellow arrow) and lower segment (green arrow) are brought together and sutured.
Fig.7 Neck is kept flexed for a week to reduce the tension at anastamotic site. This suture between the chin and chest accidental extension of neck.
Fig.8 Post-op coronal reconstruction CT shows good airway.

The Heart Of Clinic

Dr. Rayappa

Dr. C. Rayappa MBBS, DLO, FRCS(Edin)


+91 44 3315 1105

Dr. C. Rayappa graduated from Madras Medical College, Chennai, India in 1982. He completed his post graduation in Otolaryngology (ENT)

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The Heart Of Clinic

Dr. Rayappa

Dr. C. Rayappa MBBS, DLO, FRCS(Edin)


+91 44 3315 1105

Dr. C. Rayappa graduated from Madras Medical College, Chennai, India in 1982. He completed his post graduation in Otolaryngology (ENT)