
Total Maxillectomy + Orbital Exenteration
+ ITF Clearance + Skullbase Resection

Total Maxillectomy + Orbital Exenteration + ITF Clearance + Skullbase Resection

Fig.1 This 35 years old male underwent total maxillectomy & postoperative radiotherapy for carcinoma of maxilla at another hospital. Tumour recurred and he was on palliative chemotherapy. He came to our hospital in 2002 with this clinical picture.
Fig.2 MRI shows tumour infiltrating the orbit amd dura (yellow arrow).
Fig.3 MRI shows tumour infiltrating orbit, infratemporal fossa (yellow arrow).
Fig.4 Orbital exenteration, clearance of temporal & infratemporal fossa and subtotal petrosectomy. done. Infiltrated dura was excised. Picture shows exposed frontal and temporal lobes of brain. Green arrow – nasopharynx. Yellow arrow – nasopharynx.
Fig.5 Dura was recostructed with fascia lata and lined with pericranial flap. Defect was reconstructed with tri-paddled anterolateral thigh microvascular flap. Bone gtafts were used to regain facial contour.
Fig.6 Post-op picture. 20 years post-op (2022). No recurrence

The Heart Of Clinic

Dr. Rayappa

Dr. C. Rayappa MBBS, DLO, FRCS(Edin)


+91 44 3315 1105

Dr. C. Rayappa graduated from Madras Medical College, Chennai, India in 1982. He completed his post graduation in Otolaryngology (ENT)

The Heart Of Clinic

Dr. Rayappa

Dr. C. Rayappa MBBS, DLO, FRCS(Edin)


+91 44 3315 1105

Dr. C. Rayappa graduated from Madras Medical College, Chennai, India in 1982. He completed his post graduation in Otolaryngology (ENT)