
Medial Maxillectomy

Medial Maxillectomy

Fig.1 Indicated for tumours involving medial wall of maxilla and ethmoid sinus. Site of bone cuts are marked.
Fig.2 Modified lateral rhinotomy incision. This gives better scar and cosmesis.
Fig.3 Soft tissues are elevated and the bone to be resected is exposed. The pointer is lifing up the lacrimal sac and that is divided.
Fig.4 Osteotomy in progress. Black malleable retractor is lifting up the orbital contents and the medial wall of orbit is exposed.
Fig.5 After medial maxillectomy.

The Heart Of Clinic

Dr. Rayappa

Dr. C. Rayappa MBBS, DLO, FRCS(Edin)


+91 44 3315 1105

Dr. C. Rayappa graduated from Madras Medical College, Chennai, India in 1982. He completed his post graduation in Otolaryngology (ENT)

The Heart Of Clinic

Dr. Rayappa

Dr. C. Rayappa MBBS, DLO, FRCS(Edin)


+91 44 3315 1105

Dr. C. Rayappa graduated from Madras Medical College, Chennai, India in 1982. He completed his post graduation in Otolaryngology (ENT)